Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY



Jůzová Markéta

  • Login: juzova
  • Email:
  • Affiliation: ZČU
  • Registered on: 11.08.2010
  • Last connection: 06.06.2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 3 3
Reported issues 0 2 2


Project Roles Registered on
HQSYN16 Private member 22.01.2016
LARYNGO Member 31.01.2017



12:39 HQSYN16 Task #4206 (Closed): HMM-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Jůzová Markéta
12:39 HQSYN16 Task #4206 (Resolved): HMM-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Predikované trvání se příliš nelišilo od hodnot získaných pomocí DNN (viz #4205)
Poslechové testy se nevytvářely.
Jůzová Markéta
12:36 HQSYN16 Task #4205 (Closed): DNN-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Jůzová Markéta
12:35 HQSYN16 Task #4205 (Resolved): DNN-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Vyzkoušeli jsme, ale ukázalo se, že to k výraznému zlepšení v porovnání s 'base' TTS nevede. Poslechové testy se nevy... Jůzová Markéta


07:45 HQSYN16 Task #4253 (Feedback): Set up unit selection to ensure that 2nd syllable has higher F0 than 1st syllable in non-final prosodic words
The experiments led to the improvements of the quality of synthesized samples (based on the results from the listenin... Jůzová Markéta


07:53 HQSYN16 Task #4426 (Resolved): IT-BLP corpora characteristics
Jůzová Markéta


16:28 HQSYN16 Task #4426 (Feedback): IT-BLP corpora characteristics
Concerning compressing the tables - I will compress them next week.
Jůzová Markéta


08:37 HQSYN16 Task #4252: Analyze F0 differences in first two syllables of non-final prosodic words
Updated files (with beg times of vowels) are available on page [[F0_difference]], the structure of the files is now a... Jůzová Markéta


07:31 HQSYN16 Task #4206 (Postponed): HMM-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Jůzová Markéta
07:30 HQSYN16 Task #4205 (Postponed): DNN-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Jůzová Markéta

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