Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY





From 15.11.2018 to 14.12.2018


21:35 Task #4139 (Closed): Fix segmentation of pauses
Matoušek Jindřich
21:32 Task #4253 (Closed): Set up unit selection to ensure that 2nd syllable has higher F0 than 1st syllable in non-final prosodic words
Matoušek Jindřich
13:49 Task #4258 (Closed): Test the consistency of P0 prosodemes in our speech corpora
Matoušek Jindřich
13:36 Task #4258 (Resolved): Test the consistency of P0 prosodemes in our speech corpora
We find out that the classification approach is suitable for this task, because we were able distinguish P1 and P2 ve... Matura Martin
12:21 Task #4257 (Closed): Introduce a special prosodeme for utterance-leading prosodic word
Tihelka Dan
12:21 Task #4257 (Resolved): Introduce a special prosodeme for utterance-leading prosodic word
There are experiments with a special variant of 0-th prosodeme, described in paper "On the Extension of the Formal Pr... Tihelka Dan


12:39 Task #4206 (Closed): HMM-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Jůzová Markéta
12:39 Task #4206 (Resolved): HMM-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Predikované trvání se příliš nelišilo od hodnot získaných pomocí DNN (viz #4205)
Poslechové testy se nevytvářely.
Jůzová Markéta
12:36 Task #4205 (Closed): DNN-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Jůzová Markéta
12:35 Task #4205 (Resolved): DNN-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Vyzkoušeli jsme, ale ukázalo se, že to k výraznému zlepšení v porovnání s 'base' TTS nevede. Poslechové testy se nevy... Jůzová Markéta

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