Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY




Jůzová Markéta's activity

From 13.09.2017 to 12.10.2017


10:47 HQSYN16 Task #4274 (Closed): "ranou" sounds like "ranu"
*Voice:* Jan
Word "ranou" sounds like "ranu" in the sentence "Další ostrou ranou přinutil co...
Jůzová Markéta


12:07 HQSYN16 Task #4252 (Assigned): Analyze F0 differences in first two syllables of non-final prosodic words
Analyze examples with descending F0 in first two syllables in prosodic words - data are available on [[F0_difference]]. Jůzová Markéta


10:36 HQSYN16 Task #4205: DNN-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Experiments with a new feature in target cost - difference of real duration of current unit and the predicted value (... Jůzová Markéta
10:36 HQSYN16 Task #4206: HMM-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Experiments with a new feature in target cost - difference of real duration of current unit and the predicted value (... Jůzová Markéta

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