Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY





From 26.05.2016 to 24.06.2016


15:42 Task #3709 (Closed): Merge ASF files (segmentations) and SNT files (annotations)
Hanzlíček Zdeněk
15:41 Task #3709 (Resolved): Merge ASF files (segmentations) and SNT files (annotations)
Voices wih merged ASFs:
* Czech voices: AJ, JS, KI, MR, SK, TJ
* Slovak voice: MM
ASF file for the ...
Hanzlíček Zdeněk


16:48 Task #3844 (Assigned): Analyze utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme
The same as before, but now for _male_ voice (Jan, spkr_AJ) - data put as attachment on [[Task_3688|wiki]]. Tihelka Dan
16:45 Task #3935 (Closed): Add classifier scripts to SVN
Tihelka Dan
12:28 Task #3922 (Closed): Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations - voice Jan
Data were put to [[Task_3688|wiki]]. Tihelka Dan


13:33 Task #3844 (Resolved): Analyze utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme
The second round of auditory analyses did not reveal any new information. The conclusions and recommendations from th... Skarnitzl Radek
11:30 Task #3949 (Closed): G-P conversion of foreign words
Basic forms of foreign words are typically transcribed correctly, but the transcription (and hence the synthesized pr... Skarnitzl Radek


08:28 Task #3922: Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations - voice Jan
Update: after diphone list fixes, new images are stored in @Experiments/NoUnitSubsts/spkr_AJ_rev652.[baseline/nosubst... Tihelka Dan


16:30 Task #3941: Create synthesis logs for corpora with altered prosodic words
File ** contains function *set_pwords( unit_list, ver=1 )* where
* *unit_list* is a list of units == ...
Hanzlíček Zdeněk


10:23 Task #3944 (Closed): Commit changes based on user(s) logged in/out
Would it be possible (and not too difficult) to trigger commit of ASF changes when all users working on the given lan... Tihelka Dan


10:53 Task #3941 (Feedback): Create synthesis logs for corpora with altered prosodic words
I will need a python script assigning new _PWord_ tags to a sequence of phones (or preferably ASF units). Then I can ... Tihelka Dan
10:35 Task #3922 (Resolved): Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations - voice Jan
Both baseline (with substitutions) and new (no substitutions) were copied to ARTIC data, path: @Experiments/NoUnitSub... Tihelka Dan
10:04 Task #3813 (Closed): Submit a paper for INTERSPEECH2016 (D)
Accepted :-)
Matoušek Jindřich
09:30 Task #3809 (Closed): Submit a paper for INTERSPEECH 2016
Unfortunately rejected ... Tihelka Dan


10:44 Task #3935 (Resolved): Add classifier scripts to SVN
There were several modification of the scripts carried out. Here I describe them with a few warnings:
*JSON output...
Tihelka Dan


12:57 Task #3922: Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations - voice Jan
Nosubst image of the voice is needed for the last step of synthesis. Matura Martin
12:56 Task #3941 (Closed): Create synthesis logs for corpora with altered prosodic words
Can you create synthesis logs for corpora with altered prosodic words? All ASFs are placed in @artic/Experiments/pros... Hanzlíček Zdeněk
11:37 Task #3806 (Resolved): "mlýneček" sounds like "mlýmeček"
Percepce místa artikulace závisí na tranzientu druhého formantu (F2). Jako tradiční akustický korelát místa artikulac... Bořil Tomáš


08:49 Task #3763 (Closed): Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations
Matoušek Jindřich
08:42 Task #3763: Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations
I have uploaded to [[Task_3688|wiki]] new files with synthesized utterances - now all should be correctly synthesized... Tihelka Dan
08:48 Task #3922: Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations - voice Jan
Task #3921 is completed - works on this issue can be started. Matoušek Jindřich
08:43 Task #3844 (Assigned): Analyze utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme
I have uploaded to [[Task_3688|wiki]] new files with synthesized utterances - now all should be correctly synthesized... Tihelka Dan


16:02 Task #3935 (Closed): Add classifier scripts to SVN
Please add OCC classifier scripts (,, and other related stuff) to SVN, to start t... Tihelka Dan


08:33 Task #3770 (Resolved): Experiment with gender and age classification for synthetic speech error predictions and evaluation
Přibil Jiří
08:32 Task #3771 (Closed): Create a paper for TSD 2016
Přibil Jiří


16:19 Task #3923: Add frequency grid to spectrogram
It is not finished yet but .... if you ctrl+click and then ctrl+mousemove in spectrogram pane you can see fft graph f... Vít Jakub
15:06 Task #3921 (Closed): Retranscribe ASF of voice Jan
Matoušek Jindřich
14:00 Task #3921 (Resolved): Retranscribe ASF of voice Jan
ASF file retranscribed and committed to SVN. Hanzlíček Zdeněk

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