Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY




30 days up to




From 08.03.2016 to 06.04.2016


15:50 Task #3796 (Closed): Add more info about alternative candidates
Matoušek Jindřich
15:25 Task #3796 (Resolved): Add more info about alternative candidates
context extended to 4 surrounding phones Vít Jakub
15:23 Task #3857 (Resolved): WebProkus improvements
Vít Jakub
15:22 Task #3857 (Closed): WebProkus improvements
h2. Synthesizer
* multiple images per voice
* don't change scale when candidate changes
h2. Editor
* search sen...
Vít Jakub
13:41 Task #3855: More data for artefacts collection
Adding (rather messed) script which was used to select the original list of words used fo... Tihelka Dan
13:38 Task #3855 (Postponed): More data for artefacts collection
We need more data for listening tests. Especially we need to increase the coverage of rare vowels. Currently we have:... Tihelka Dan


15:19 Task #3851 (Closed): Merge ASF and SNT files for MM voice (Slovak)
Hanzlíček Zdeněk
15:18 Task #3851 (Resolved): Merge ASF and SNT files for MM voice (Slovak)
Hanzlíček Zdeněk
13:38 Task #3851 (Closed): Merge ASF and SNT files for MM voice (Slovak)
Merge ASF and SNT files for MM voice and commit to SVN. Hanzlíček Zdeněk
13:48 Task #3852 (Closed): Correct ASF file for speaker MR
Create a new ASF file for speaker MR with corrected prosodemes.
Perform only P3.1 to P1.1 corrections.
Hanzlíček Zdeněk
10:50 Task #3780 (Closed): Testing placement and fixing of senzors
Matura Martin


10:46 Task #3809 (Resolved): Submit a paper for INTERSPEECH 2016
Submitted, waiting for decision Matoušek Jindřich
10:29 Task #3809 (Closed): Submit a paper for INTERSPEECH 2016
Tihelka Dan
10:29 Task #3809 (Resolved): Submit a paper for INTERSPEECH 2016
Submitted. Tihelka Dan
10:33 Task #3699: Compute features (MFCC, LPC, LPCenv and FFTpow)
Another set of features computed: 04-20 (20msec windows, 4msec shift), MFCC, LPC, LPCenv and FFTpow. Also distances a... Tihelka Dan
10:32 Task #3699: Compute features (MFCC, LPC, LPCenv and FFTpow)
More details about the whole experiment described in Interspeech 2016 paper, see #3809. Tihelka Dan
10:26 Task #3844 (Closed): Analyze utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme
We have added data synthesized in #3763 to [[Task_3688|wiki]]. Please look at them if it is what you have requested.
Tihelka Dan
10:10 Task #3763: Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations
Data added to [[Task_3688|wiki]]. Tihelka Dan


23:39 Task #3813 (Resolved): Submit a paper for INTERSPEECH2016 (D)
Submitted, waiting for decision. Matoušek Jindřich


14:42 Task #3840: TSD2016 Submission of Full paper
Submitted, waiting for decision Matoušek Jindřich


15:11 Task #3763 (Resolved): Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations
Matura Martin


22:30 Task #3841: Make mPraat toolbox
rPraat / mPraat homepage
Bořil Tomáš
20:36 Task #3841 (Closed): Make mPraat toolbox
mPraat toolbox for Matlab constitutes an interface between the most popular software for phonetic analyses, Praat, an... Bořil Tomáš
22:29 Task #3842: Make rPraat package
rPraat / mPraat homepage
Bořil Tomáš
20:37 Task #3842 (Closed): Make rPraat package
rPraat package for R constitutes an interface between the most popular software for phonetic analyses, Praat, and R.
Bořil Tomáš
20:39 Task #3840: TSD2016 Submission of Full paper
Title: Tools rPraat and mPraat: Interfacing phonetic analyses with signal processing
Publication type: D
Bořil Tomáš
20:32 Task #3840 (Closed): TSD2016 Submission of Full paper
TSD2016 Submission of Full paper, Tomáš Bořil + Radek Skarnitzl Bořil Tomáš


14:28 Task #3761 (Closed): Create script for conversion ASF to SNT
Matoušek Jindřich
10:19 Task #3810 (Resolved): Submit a paper for TSD2016 (D)
Matoušek Jindřich
09:54 Task #3810 (Assigned): Submit a paper for TSD2016 (D)
Paper submitted (id 796).
Now waiting for review...
Hanzlíček Zdeněk


22:14 Task #3813 (Assigned): Submit a paper for INTERSPEECH2016 (D)
Matoušek Jindřich
12:01 Task #3808 (Resolved): Submit a paper for TSD2016 (D)
Submitted, waiting for decision. Matoušek Jindřich


08:32 Task #3771 (Resolved): Create a paper for TSD 2016
Submitted, waiting for decision. Matoušek Jindřich


12:05 Task #3796: Add more info about alternative candidates
Is it possible to show word boundaries (to differentiate between word internal and cross-word diphones) in a similar ... Matoušek Jindřich


16:21 Task #3813 (Closed): Submit a paper for INTERSPEECH2016 (D)
*Title:* Voting Detector: A Combination of Anomaly Detectors to Reveal Annotation Errors in TTS Corpora
Matoušek Jindřich
15:52 Task #3684 (Closed): Redmine issues
Matoušek Jindřich
15:39 Task #3811 (New): Experiment with statistical outlier detection and removal
Matoušek Jindřich
15:36 Task #3810 (Closed): Submit a paper for TSD2016 (D)
*Title:* Correction of prosodic phrases in large speech corpora
*Result type:* D
(Abstract to be sent by March ...
Matoušek Jindřich
15:21 Task #3809 (Closed): Submit a paper for INTERSPEECH 2016
Matoušek Jindřich
15:20 Task #3808: Submit a paper for TSD2016 (D)
Abstract sent. Matoušek Jindřich
15:19 Task #3808 (Assigned): Submit a paper for TSD2016 (D)
Matoušek Jindřich
15:14 Task #3808 (Closed): Submit a paper for TSD2016 (D)
*Title:* On the Influence of the Number of Anomalous and Normal Examples in Anomaly-Based Annotation Errors Detection... Matoušek Jindřich
15:10 Task #3796: Add more info about alternative candidates
concatCost targetCost nextConcatCost
leftCntx - rghtCntx
begWeight | midWeight | endWeight
Vít Jakub
14:30 Task #3796 (Feedback): Add more info about alternative candidates
please write here what do the numbers mean. I guess that the 4th number stands for a prosodeme but what abou...
Matoušek Jindřich
14:02 Task #3796 (Resolved): Add more info about alternative candidates
more info added
word the unit came from - that would require some work; so for now this information is no...
Vít Jakub
09:04 Task #3796 (Closed): Add more info about alternative candidates
When listing the alternative candidates, only three numbers (btw. what do the numbers mean?) and source utterance are... Matoušek Jindřich
15:08 Task #3757 (Closed): Simultaneous training of single detectors within a voting detector framework
Matoušek Jindřich
15:07 Defect #3767 (Closed): Cannot jump to source units for some voices
Matoušek Jindřich
14:54 Task #3807 (Closed): [á] sounds like [a] in "Ahoj, jak se máš?"
*Voice:* Jan
*Description:* @[á]@ sounds like @[a]@ in _Ahoj, jak se m<notextile></notextile>*á*<notextile></notex...
Matoušek Jindřich
14:47 Task #3806 (Closed): "mlýneček" sounds like "mlýmeček"
*Voice:* Jan, Iva (maybe more)
*Description:* Word _mlýneček_ sounds like _mlý<notextile></notextile>*m*<notextile...
Matoušek Jindřich
13:22 Task #3780 (Resolved): Testing placement and fixing of senzors
*The third experiment*
This time I glued all seven sensors. Firstly, I placed those on tongue (TD->TB->TT), then on ...
Matura Martin
11:36 Task #3797 (New): Artifact catalogue
_(Parent task for cataloguing of artifacts)_ Matoušek Jindřich


23:36 Defect #3767 (Resolved): Cannot jump to source units for some voices
done, all voices were imported
Moreover, the editor was enhanced with new features
Vít Jakub

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