Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY




Three papers accepted for TSD 2017 conference!

Added by Matoušek Jindřich over 7 years ago

The following three papers were accepted for TSD 2017 conference (indexed by ISI Web of Knowledge and Scopus):

  • JŮZOVÁ, M., TIHELKA, D., SKARNITZL, R. Last Syllable Unit Penalization in Unit Selection TTS (Research Area RA3: Activity RA3d)
  • HANZLÍČEK, Z. Optimal Number of States in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis (RA4: RA4b)
  • PŘIBIL, J., PŘIBILOVÁ, A., MATOUŠEK, J. Automatic Classification of Types of Artefacts Arising During the Unit Selection Speech Synthesis (RA4: R4a)
