Task #4351
closedTask #4329: Dílčí zpráva 2017
Task #4342: Část DC - rozbor řešení (FF UK)
Plán prací na r. 2018 (FF UK)
Počet znaků: 1000
Updated by Skarnitzl Radek about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
In 2018, work will continue on topics which were started in 2017. Specifically, perceptual testing of more sophisticated F0 manipulations where the direction of change and not only the interval is addressed will be conducted at the beginning of the year, which will allow us to formulate rules for stronger and weaker penalizations of F0 discontinuities (RA2b, RA3c), and we plan to submit a journal paper by the middle of the year. Work will finish on the penalization matrix for different coarticulatory contexts (RA3a). Analyses will continue of the melodic contours of the wh- questions and their reflection in synthetic speech (RA3d); two journals will be submitted. Also as part of RA3d, stress group parsing will be compared in natural and synthetic speech; ideally, this will yield formalized recommendations for contexts in which two poly-syllabic words may occur as part of a single stress group. The results will be submitted as a journal paper.
Updated by Matoušek Jindřich about 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed