Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY




Skarnitzl Radek's activity

From 30.01.2016 to 28.02.2016


21:10 HQSYN16 Task #3750 (Resolved): List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ř"
Please synthesize the following phrases with the conflicting voicing information in Ř.
hořící keř
zuřivá bouřka
Skarnitzl Radek
21:01 HQSYN16 Task #3751 (Resolved): List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ch"
Please synthesize the following sentences with the voicing status of the velar fricative ([x] vs. [ɣ]) in conflict.
Skarnitzl Radek
20:59 HQSYN16 Task #3749 (Resolved): List of words containing alveolar "n"/ velar "N"
Please synthesize the following phrases in which the place of articulation of the nasal - alveolar vs. velar - will b... Skarnitzl Radek
20:54 HQSYN16 Task #3748 (Resolved): List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "l"
Please synthesize the following phrases in which the syllabicity of L will be in conflict with reality.
Kripl vypl...
Skarnitzl Radek
20:52 HQSYN16 Task #3747 (Resolved): List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "r"
Please synthesize the following phrases in which the syllabicity of R will be in conflict with reality.
Kapr to na...
Skarnitzl Radek


18:43 HQSYN16 Task #3751 (Assigned): List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ch"
Skarnitzl Radek
18:43 HQSYN16 Task #3750 (Assigned): List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ř"
Skarnitzl Radek
18:42 HQSYN16 Task #3749 (Assigned): List of words containing alveolar "n"/ velar "N"
Skarnitzl Radek
18:42 HQSYN16 Task #3748 (Assigned): List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "l"
Skarnitzl Radek
18:42 HQSYN16 Task #3747 (Assigned): List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "r"
Skarnitzl Radek


10:41 HQSYN16 Task #3720 (Resolved): Analyze unexpected results of listening test on voiced/unvoiced "ř"
In general, it is important to realize that the voicing in /ř/ is the least stable of all phonologically voiced obstr... Skarnitzl Radek
09:23 HQSYN16 Task #3719 (Resolved): Listening test on voiced/unvoiced "ř"
We have gone through all the items in the listening test and commented on some of them in the test environment. More ... Skarnitzl Radek


17:14 HQSYN16 Task #3720 (Assigned): Analyze unexpected results of listening test on voiced/unvoiced "ř"
Skarnitzl Radek
17:14 HQSYN16 Task #3719 (Assigned): Listening test on voiced/unvoiced "ř"
Skarnitzl Radek

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